Apologies in advance to those outside the Bay Area.
Act fast friends, because there is still some Appleton 17 in the wild and the price is a total steal. Get over to Kona’s Street Market in downtown San Francisco and check the back bar for the bottle. I had the pleasure of scoring a neat pour last week and this expression designed to replicate the original Mai Tai rum remains worth seeking out, so much flavor and still approachable at 49% ABV.
For some reason this is priced at just $30 for a 1½ oz pour. That is essentially the same as you’d pay if you bought the bottle at retail, so there’s basically no markup. Don’t waste time asking why when you could be heading to Kona’s right this very moment and getting a taste of this exotic elixir.
You might be tempted to try this in a Mai Tai, which is what I did during a visit to Kona’s in December. At just $40 for the cocktail it is certainly a good value for this rum. And it wasn’t half bad, but it wasn’t nearly as good as the amazing other Appleton 17 Mai Tais that I’ve had so set your expectations accordingly
There it is, Mai Tai fans, possibly your last opportunity to try this rum and even in a Mai Tai if you prefer. Let me know how it goes.