We finally made it down to Bakersfield to see the basement addition/expansion/sister bar to longtime local heroes at Tiki-Ko.
The Sinking Ship features an immersive nautical and trader design with different sections and booths. Really amazing work from @tikidiablo and @_spongibob. The ceiling is a map and there are so many elements to look at, including masks, crates, nautical equipment, and displays of artifacts.
A notable element is how you order drinks at the bar, complete with a roped off line, though there a few seats at the bar, too. The chairs feel like vintage pieces even though we know they’re new. The music was top notch, including exotica, surf, and Hawaiian. It all feels organic and well-put together, without feeling like it is a movie set.
The entrance is just a couple doors down from Tiki-Ko and leads you down a staircase with inspired decor. So while the staff and menu are the same, this truly is a separate space.
We’ll discuss the drinks in tomorrow’s post, but suffice to say that The Sinking Ship is one of the finest spaces in any tiki bar anywhere.