Regular readers will know that I try to paint with a wide brush and give a lot of leeway regarding what is tiki. Even on the Las Vegas Strip. Call yourself tiki and do something nodding in the directions, then sure. I’ll call it a tiki bar.
Island Time Floats is not a tiki bar.
There weren’t any tikis whatsoever, nor any nods toward the genre. Heck, a Mai Tai wasn’t even on their cocktail menu.
Nonetheless the bartender was happy to make one upon my request, but it was made as expected.
- Malibu Rum
- Admiral Nelson Spiced rum
- Pineapple Juice
- Grenadine
- Myers’s Dark Rum float
As these things go it wasn’t bad if you drink from top to bottom, but needless to say this isn’t on the Mai Tai recommendation list. Oh well.