Tonight was the last night for Terry @tuff_break_ at The Kon-Tiki, and he is moving to Yucca Valley/Joshua Tree. Terry has been an integral part of the team at Kon-Tiki since the beginning. And for sure has influenced the groovy rock vibe that sets the Kon-Tiki apart from many tiki bars.
As I noted last week, we don’t rate bartenders. But those paying attention will note that my number one Mai Tai on 2019 was the “Ultimate Mai Tai” from Kon-Tiki and made by Terry. So he is in the Ultimate Mai Tai pantheon for sure.
Tonight there was a wonderful cake and cupcakes by @tfritch1 and the usual crowd of Oakhana luminaries.
I had Terry make the Ultimate Mai Tai once again and it was soooooooo goooood. I also had Terry make a Kon-Tiki house Mai Tai (Denizen 8/Petitie Shrubb). It was very good, and although the Petite Shrubb isn’t my favorite in a Mai Tai I would say this one was better than the Mai Tai with the same Shrubb at Smuggler’s Cove last year. A very tasty Mai Tai.
Terry also served me an amazing Navy Grog. The recipe was a mix of the Trader Vic’s and the Don the Beachcomber recipes and was outstanding. So Terry has made the best Mai Tai AND the best Navy Grog I’ve ever had at a commercial tiki bar. Mahalo Brother! Best wishes for the life change and move to the desert with your wife and the dogs.